WOLF HOWL HARMONY ×TOWER RECORDS Super Support Campaign Project

To celebrate the release of WOLF HOWL HARMONY first album, "WOLF," Tower Records will be holding a special support campaign at Tower Records stores nationwide and Tower Records Online from Tuesday, March 11th.
Tower Records limited special collaboration poster displayed at all stores

A special collaboration poster (B1 size) of WOLF HOWL HARMONY will be displayed exclusively at Tower Records.
[Display period] March 11th (Tue) to March 17th (Mon)
[Displayed at] Tower Records and TOWER RECORDS mini stores (excluding Tower Cafe)
*The start of posting may be delayed due to weather conditions, etc. Please contact each store for information on the posting period.
A chance to win a collaboration poster with a handwritten signature
Ten people who purchase WOLF HOWL HARMONY first album "WOLF" at participating stores and apply using the application form below will be entered into a drawing to win a special collaboration poster (B1 size) autographed by all members.
In order to apply, you will need to register as a Tower Records member.
[Application form]
[Lottery application period] March 11th (Tuesday) 0:00 to March 31st (Monday) 23:59
[Participating stores] Tower Records and TOWER RECORDS mini stores, Tower Records Online
[Target product] WOLF HOWL HARMONY 1st Album "WOLF"
WOLF <Regular Edition LIVE ver.> [CD+DVD] RZCD67125B
WOLF <Regular Edition LIVE ver.> [CD+Blu-ray Disc] RZCD67126B
WOLF <Regular Edition MV ver.> [CD+DVD] RZCD67127B
WOLF <Regular Edition MV ver.> [CD+Blu-ray Disc] RZCD67128B
WOLF <Regular edition CD ONLY ver.> RZCD67129
*Since the signature is handwritten, the poster may become dirty or bent during the signature process, but it cannot be returned or exchanged.
*Resale of prizes to third parties or listing or reselling them at auction is strictly prohibited.
*Purchases made at events are not eligible.
*Personal information will not be used for any purpose other than sending prizes.
*The announcement of the winners will be replaced by the shipping of the prizes.
Panel exhibition and prize draw
A panel exhibition featuring photos of WOLF HOWL HARMONY members will be held at participating stores.
In addition, those who purchase the first album "WOLF" at each store will be entered into a lottery to win a panel!
The lottery method varies by store, so please contact each store for details.
[Exhibition period] March 11th (Tue) - March 17th (Mon)
WOLF <Regular Edition LIVE ver.> [CD+DVD] RZCD67125B
WOLF <Regular Edition LIVE ver.> [CD+Blu-ray Disc] RZCD67126B
WOLF <Regular Edition MV ver.> [CD+DVD] RZCD67127B
WOLF <Regular Edition MV ver.> [CD+Blu-ray Disc] RZCD67128B
WOLF <Regular edition CD ONLY ver.> RZCD67129
[Display store]
Sapporo Parco store
Ario Sapporo store
Sendai Parco store
Morioka store
Niigata store
Koriyama store
Kinshicho Parco store
Shibuya store
Shinjuku store
Ikebukuro store
Grand Tree Musashikosugi store
LaLaport Tachikawa Tachihi store
AEON Lake Town store
Ario Ageo store
Ario Washimiya store
Ario Kawaguchi store
Tsudanuma store
Ario Hashimoto store
Yokohama Vivre store
TOWER RECORDS mini Vinawalk Ebina store
Shizuoka store
LaLaport Iwata store
Otaka store
Kanazawa Forus store
Suzuka store
Umeda NU Chayamachi store
Namba Parks store
TOWER RECORDS mini Seven Park Tenbi store
Ario Yao store
Akashi store
Kobe store
Ario Kurashiki store
Hiroshima store
Fukuoka Parco store
AMU Plaza Hakata store
*The period during which the lottery tickets are given away may differ depending on the store. For details, please inquire at each store.
*Please note that the exhibition and lottery period may be changed or canceled due to various circumstances.
*The reservation of winning prizes varies by store, so please contact each store for details.
*Prizes can only be picked up at the store. We are unable to provide delivery services.
*Please do not touch the display panels.
*The prize panels will be handed out at random. You cannot choose the design.
*The prizes are only exhibited, so they may be dirty or damaged. In that case, we cannot offer an exchange. Thank you for your understanding.
*If you have any questions, please ask the store staff.
*Transferring or reselling the winning work is strictly prohibited.
*Purchases made at events are not eligible.
Special receipt
A special receipt will be distributed to those who purchase products related to WOLF HOWL HARMONY 1st Album "WOLF".
[Distribution period] March 11th (Tuesday) to March 17th (Monday)
[Participating stores] All Tower Records and TOWER RECORDS minii stores (Tower Cafe and online stores are excluded)
[Target product] WOLF HOWL HARMONY 1st Album "WOLF"
WOLF <Regular Edition LIVE ver.> [CD+DVD] RZCD67125B
WOLF <Regular Edition LIVE ver.> [CD+Blu-ray Disc] RZCD67126B
WOLF <Regular Edition MV ver.> [CD+DVD] RZCD67127B
WOLF <Regular Edition MV ver.> [CD+Blu-ray Disc] RZCD67128B
WOLF <Regular edition CD ONLY ver.> RZCD67129
*Purchases made at events are not eligible.
Member comments video on air
The original commentary video recorded by the members for Tower Records will be uploaded on a digital signboard.
It will be aired on the following website.
[Broadcast period] March 11th (Tue) ~
*Please note that the end date has not yet been determined.
[Target stores] All Tower Records and TOWER RECORDS mini stores
*Excluding TOWER RECORDS mini Morinomiya Q's Mall store
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