The "Wolf's debut song, which one would you choose?" project has started!

WOLF HOWL HARMONY is scheduled to make their debut on Wednesday, August 23rd.
It's up to you to decide their debut song.
We are starting a project called "Which of Wolf's debut songs would you choose?"
Demo videos of Wolf's two debut songs, "Sweet Rain" and "Teenage Dream," will be released sequentially on YouTube Short, TikTok, and Instagram from Friday, May 19th.
The song with the most total number of views, likes, and comments on each post will be selected as the debut song to be released on August 23rd (Wednesday).
The results will be announced on Tuesday, May 30th via a live YouTube broadcast.
■ Implementation period
From the start of video posting on Friday, May 19th until 23:59 on Thursday, May 25th
Song candidates
"Sweet Rain"
"Teenage Dream"
■ Submission platform
YouTube Short / TikTok / Instagram
(WOLF HOWL HARMONY official account)
■ Links to each post
"Sweet Rain"
▼YouTube Shorts



"Teenage Dream"
▼YouTube Shorts



■Result announcement
5/30 (Tue) Live YouTube broadcast
WOLF HOWL HARMONYofficialSocial Media Accounts
Please click on the icon of each SNS on the top page.
Let us know what you think Wolf's debut song is by taking an action on the post!
We look forward to your many views and likes of the demo video. Please join us!
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